Thursday 18 March 2010

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Lincoln... Media Production 2, Studio Shoot 003, Stylized Art 002

I have just completed my second piece of stylized artwork using Adobe Photoshop and an image I took of my model Sam Fryer.

I decided, as I do with much of my work, to draw inspiration from space.

I decided quickly upon a nebula theme and began looking through my pictures for a suitable one to use.

I decided to use the image of Sam on the floor as I could imagine her body emerging for a cloud, I also liked her posture, leaning over and looking over her shoulder. The whole image just learnt itself to what I imagined in my head.

I started off by preparing the image, doing the usual; spot heal, dodge and burn and some low and high pass filters.

Spot Heal:


Dodge and Burn:

Air Brush:

I then started to create the space background. 

i started off with a basic image of space. I then added a layer of coloured blobs, with blur applied.

Finally adjustment layers and a sand texture were used to correct the 'look'.




I then used the pen tool to cut out the image of Sam. I then used the blur brush and blurred the edges of the cut out and placed the new cut out on the back ground.

Cut out:

Combination so far:

Next I began the process of creating the gas clouds, using the liquefy tool to modify the image of Sam, and using the tool again, along with some textures to finish the 'look'.

Liquefy stage 1:

Liquefy stage 2:

Liquefy stage 3:

Liquefy blur:

Clone stamp, bra strap removal:

Next I added coloured blobs, blurs and more liquefy to add the gas clouds of the nebula.

First Layer:

Layer 2:

Layer 3:

Layer 4 Star texture:

Finally I used the pen tools to create paths and filled them with strokes, outer glow and blur. I then used the lasso tool to cut out the unwanted areas and finalized it by using the eraser tool set to 20% opacity.

Stroke 1:

I finished the image with another stroke positioned as a halo.

Finished image:

Sunday 14 March 2010

Lincoln... Media Production 2, Studio Shoot 003, Stylized Art 001

Last Friday I had a great photo shoot, with a fantastic model Sam Fryer.

It went really well, she was great and I took well over 700 images.

Ive been spending every spare second I've had when not writing reports, and such, going through the images and deciding which to work with.

Yesterday and today I finally got a good few hours to have a go.

This image has had the works done, air brushed with high and low passes, lots of healing, colour correction and fine tuning.

Then the final picture has been worked into some stylized art! Lots of layers, lots of the liquify tool and radial blur. Lots of layer styles, blending modes and finally textures.

This is the first time I have really used Photoshop as a painting tool, using my Wacom tablet for the first time in a practical situation. I dint get on with it at all before, but now once I've used it practically I was surprised how natural it felt and useful it was.


Untouched RAW

Air brushed:

Stylized Art:

Lincoln... Project pre-production, Film opening sequence, critical analysis

As with the content style I also critically analysed two film opening sequences, firstly 'Alien' (1979) then 'Star Trek' (2009)

The fill report can be found HERE.

Lincoln... Project pre-production, Content research

This is a report I created looking at some of my inspiration for my final project...


Friday 12 March 2010

Lincoln... Project pre-production, Proposal draft 001


Audience Profile
This project is intended to be viewed on websites, such as YouTube and Vimeo, as well as being viewed on televisions or big screens at film festivals. The finished project is intended to be viewed by both groups and individuals depending on how it is viewed. On the internet the audience will be individuals but with the possibility of a wide coverage due to the nature of the internet. Whereas at a film festival the audience will be a large group but the scope will be confined to the size of the attending audience.
The audience will be in a position of awareness of what they are about to watch. On line there will be a description alongside the video and at the festival there will again be some form of description in the festivals program. There will also be a description as part of the DVD box label. The finished project will also be advertised as a specific genre, science fiction. This means that the audience will already be anticipating certain conventions to appear within the film.
An audience can be found within the fantasy and Science fiction community, at film festivals and specific online groups. Also an audience can be found in short film enthusiasts, at festivals, as well as independent film enthusiasts.

Program Objectives
The informational objectives of the project are that it is a fictional film that shows how the human conscience copes with being confined for a prolonged period of time when the physical body is unable to move. It highlights the struggle between mind and body whilst both are put under extreme stress and how the mind decides to cope.
The behavioural objective of the project is for the audience to gain enjoyment from the story but to also enjoy the special effects work, for example the colourful vistas within the human mind and the futuristic setting inside the escape pod.
Finally the motivational objectives are to create a piece that advertises my skills as a director, cinematographer, special effects artist and motion graphics artist.

Content Outline
The film will begin with the destruction of a space station, resulting in one of the crew members escaping on an escape pod. During his time in the escape pod he becomes more and more uncomfortable in confinement, especially as he is unable to move to any great extent.
During his time onboard he is kept company by the varicose computers on board. One catches his attention more than others, the recently destroyed space stations AI (Artificial intelligence). As he befriends this AI, he begins to use his imagination to escape from the reality of the pod and venture in to the realm of his imagination.
His imagination is then the venue for him and the AI to meet in his created reality and eventually fall in love. As the story progresses he beings to spend more and more time in his created world, and before long, and without realising, he chooses to stay there.
When the pod drifts into an asteroid field and right into the heart of a battle his mind is dragged out of his world and back into reality. When the pod is hit all power is lost resulting in him losing his companion and love. His short attempts to bring her back are futile before long his pod is now picked up, his rescuers expecting praise and gratitude are instead met with remorse, anger and rage.

Programme Format
The programme format of the project is a science fiction short/feature film.

Lincoln... Media Industry's case study

I have just handed in my case study for my media industry's module.

I chose to focus on digital cinematography, mainly RED and ARRI cameras.

I also interviewed Cinematographer Brian Hall, who has had many years experience with the BBC.

This is my case study.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Lincoln... Project pre-production, Portfolio 1

This is a link to my finished Portfolio 1 for my project pre-production. This contains all the aims, research aims and agenda, research report and conclusion. It also contains the first draft of my proposal.

Click Me...

Monday 1 March 2010

Lincoln... Project pre-production

Over the summer I will be producing my first feature film as part of my masters degree.

I have recently started the research and pre-production stage of this.

I will be adding links to documents that I write over this term, as well as adding some of the text directly to my blog.

Examples of what I will be covering are;

  • Logistics of film making,
  • Money and Budget,
  • Critical Analysis,
  • CGI research,
  • Green screen research etc...