Monday, 12 July 2010

Final Project, Escape Pod... Keying and first renders

Last week I keyed out all of the footage and re-rendered the film with an alpha channel.

Whilst the footage has been rendering I have been drawing in Illustrator on my laptop.

I have now finished drawing all of the components for the the holoscreens.

Once the footage has finished rendering I will begin animating the holoscreens onto the footage.

Along with this I will be adding the hologram footage followed by rotoscoping where needed.

This will lead to the next render which will be the beginning of the finishing stage visual wise.

Music production will begin in a weeks time.

I have made an artistic decision on the CGi of the film. On one aspect this is also because I have A. had much difficulty getting my student copy of MAYA activated due to Autodesk making no sense and not being helpful at all. B. I'm not convinced I have the time to make the CGi look as good as I want and therefore the film will have a tacky quality that I want to avoid.

I bet you can guess, but I have decided to restrict CGi and maybe not have any all together.

I am using the term CGi to reflect images created with MAYA or 3DS Max.

When watching the rough cut I felt that I liked how everything focused on the main character and everything was filmed with him in shot. So I thought that maybe CGi of outside the pod and station might not be needed. The more I thought about it the more I liked the idea and the more I relaxed about some of the time issues I had.

So the film will focus on the characters and not have any distracting CGi.

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