Saturday, 3 July 2010

Final project, Escape Pod... compositing test 001

I have finished the testing phase for my film today and here is the 45 second clip I have been working on.

It was made mainly to test how the screens look within the envionment, so theres some very dodgy and quick rotoscoping (which was also my first time with the new roto brush in AE).

I also had a little go with adding some flares onto the footage as well as faking lens blur on the flare where the hologram will be standing.

Compositing test:

Through this experiment I have developed my work flow method and feel ready to get on with working on the film in full.

I intend to refine the final edit of the film. Then render this. This must be as close as possible to the final cut, as making changes will be difficult because of the next steps.

I will then mask and key out this footage where needed and then render again. I will leave the footage for the outside scenes unmasked and keyed as there is no need.

I will now have two renders, one inside the pod and one outside (the dream world).

I will now add CGi to both sets where needed.

I will render out passes of just the CGi when a major point is done. such as the hologram being added and the holo screens animated.

Once all of the CGi has been added I will then place all of the renders together and colour correct.

Once rendered I will again have two renders. The complete, with CGi and colour correction, pod scenes and the complete, with any effects needed, dream sequence.

These will then be re-edited together and rendered as full uncompressed files ready to be transcoded into MPEG2 for DVD and the equivalent for blu-ray, and DivX for web.

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