Today we focused on interviews.
We looked at interviewing techniques, lighting set up and framing.
These are some pictures I took of the set up...
Here are my notes from the class.
Interview types:
One on Ones.
- Get under a persons skin
- Understand there world
- Reveal character
- Follow some one, chip in questions
- choose moments to ask
Fly on wall.
- Contributers forget your there
- Staged
- Suitable place
- Studio
- Home
- Long
- Voice Over
- Quite, good sound
- Easy Edit
Vox Pops.
- Street
- Public
- Ask open questions, yes/no answer
Setting up an interview:
- Set up/Positioning
- Soft light
- position
- set up
- Shot size
- Eye line
Respond to director.
- Have signals
- plans, for zooms etc.
- Mics
- Boom, Neck
- Use of questions
- Voice over
The Edit.
- How will it be cut
- Direction
- The Line
Style and Mood.
- Lighting
- Camera in View
- What mood?
- Colour
- Darker
- Brighter
- Pick it well
- Cutaways
- Able to control the interview
What not to do:
- Don't set up a camera and equipment without informing about what you are doing
- Don't let the interviewee wait around
- Don't encourage unnecessary bystanders
- Don't fire straight into questions
- Don't give evidence of own insecurity's
- Don't be unprepared
- Avoid interruptions
- Don't forget the interviewee's name or important details
- Don't ask closed questions
- Don't as too many questions in the same sentence
- Don't be to relaxed, watch your posture
- Don't give verbal feedback
- Don't ask irrelevant questions
- Don't write things down as a person is responding
- Don't make the interview to short or to long
- Know what the film is about
- Prepare, Prepare, Prepare
- Build Rapport
- Active Listening
- Interview for the edit
- Plan the questions
- To produce responses
- answer in whole sentences
- wait at the end of a response, for the edit or for the interviewee to add something
- Questions can be skeptical but not sarcastic
- Maintain eye contact
- Listen to the questions
- use follow up questions
- interview for the edit
- sound bites
- Don't give control to the interviewee
- Listen to the subtext
- Use researchers when possible
- Use silences
- breathing room
- wait for answer
- interviewee's dont like silence
- Ethics
- fair
- represent fairly what they say in the edit
- inform the contributers the truth
- Opportunism
- Take opportunity's
It was great to have these lessons. Nick was a very nice man, and i learnt a lot from him. He always listened to my ideas with enthusiasm, although perhaps with a look of confusion...
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