Monday, 23 November 2009

Lincoln... Media Production 1, B - Introduction

This is an extract from the module hand book...

MED 9311 Project 2
Assigned Theme “Public, Private Space”
Def. Public – “ … relating to people as a whole”
Def. Private – “ … not for general or public use. Confidential or secret”
Space – “ …an interval of distance”

The assigned theme “ Public Private Space “ should be used for creative exploration and as a starting point to create a completed audio/visual piece which explores some aspect of the concept of space in relation to personal and public domains. Other linked starting points may include  surveillance/ social/ community/  identity/ freedom/ restraint/ environment/ disassociation/ deviation, macro / micro etc.)

Personal responses and research into aspects of the theme should result in a tightly conceived piece which should aim to focus upon expressing the central theme(s) in a rounded form & genre which is “ self standing”.  It may be factual, fictional or experimental in outcome and should illustrate the ability to use A/V media creatively to convey content in a coherent and informative form.

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